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Tetrahedron to Tetrahelix to Tetrawaveform
Physical Model Development Sequence

Tetrahelix Sculpture Sequence (good).jpg

TOT's - Tetra-helically Oriented Tetrahedrons

1994 - Analysis of Tetrahelix around the central axis within its rotational envelope (cylinder), and the relationship of each tetrahedron's trianglular faces, "hedrals", within the  Tetrahelix formation.

Rotation Angle for 1st Bottom Face (Hedral) of 1st TOT relative to a horizontal plane = √2/3.

In Egyptian Mathematics, the fraction 2/3 is considered a special, if not, Sacred Number related to the idea of "UNITY" ... "Zero" was not used. Quantities would be expressed as some fraction of Unity.

Helices Board Plan View.png
Helices Board 2.png
Helices Board 3.png
tetraWave w Core & Rings.png
tetrawave-Centroid double Helix.png
Tetrawave Core and transluscent Hedrals.
TetraWAve-Centroid Envelope & Centroid b
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