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Stargate Structured Facility - 1988
Stargate Structured Facility - 1988
Stargate Structured Facility - 1988
Stargate Structured Facility - 1988
Stargate Structured Facility - 1988
Metaphysical Symbols
Expressions, Impressions, Origins & Correlations
Metaphysical Symbols
Expressions, Impressions, Origins & Correlations
Metaphysical Symbols
Expressions, Impressions, Origins & Correlations
Metaphysical Symbols
Expressions, Impressions, Origins & Correlations
Sacred Geometry
Sacred Geometry
Site Under
Developement & Revision
So Listen
my slippery pulse purring temptress
chantress of vespertine whispers
of skin sung vibrato
that moon heats my temper
of frenetic breath stealing cantatas
that tongue tease
through lip tooled tortures
the crest of love fires
to the soul blood rising
wailing the final primal wresting
and watch
that this blazing shield
of auroral vestures
of sheer scarlet veils
steaming in the ethereal wind
shimmering with Appolonian light
may be your answer.
JRM - Winter 87
Jrm - October 1987
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